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Can you apply attribution on a complex customer journey?

The customer journey map maps how your customer experiences your product or service from the moment they find you to when their relationship with you ends. The basis of a customer journey map is journey mapping (also called user journey mapping). A customer’s entire interaction with your brand is an epic adventure, and drawing a map of this adventure can help you uncover new areas for improvement.

A customer journey map maps how you think your customer experiences your product or service from the moment they find you to when their relationship with you ends. The basis of a customer journey map is journey mapping (also called user journey mapping). A customer’s entire interaction with your brand is an epic adventure, and drawing a map of this adventure can help you uncover new areas for improvement. Imagine getting historical performance details for all your marketing touchpoints, identifying the ones that are contributing to your success with customers. That’s what marketing attribution can do for you. We are committed to managing the entirety of the buying process for you, from start to finish, in order to provide you with improved visibility into your business growth. Ecommerce marketing is at the core of retail business. It is characterized by impactful digital marketing strategies that are reinforced through email, social media networks, search engine marketing, and other tools to help retailers bring potential customers to their stores. 

Multi-touch attribution is the science of determining what marketing channels and campaigns lead to a conversion or purchase, and how to quantify their combined influence on your business. Multichannel attribution, or multi-touch attribution, is a system that records how different channels and campaigns interact with each other and the effect they have on a conversion. A multichannel attribution system provides a clear view of how different marketing campaigns and activities influence each other and enables companies to maximise ROI by focusing on the most efficient activities.
